$150,000 for Palin’s Beauty

From her bright red shoes up to her tightly fastened perfect suit Governor Sarah Palin embellishes the presence of Vice President. “The National Republican Committee has spent more than $150,000 to clothe and accessorize Vice President candidate Sarah Palin and her family,” starting in late August writes Jeanne Cummings. Including two large purchases from Saks at $49,525.74 and Neiman Marcus for 75,062.63. That is not including her professional hair expenditures, “RNC has spent 4,716.49 through September.”

In a recent article from the Seattle Times titled “Health Insurance Costs, “the average single plan costs $4,400 and, “the annual premium for an employer health plan covering a family of four averaged nearly $12,100.”

Sarah Palin’s wardrobe expenses equal about 34 single employees annual health insurance cost and about 12 families with four children. Palin, however, and Presidental Candidate John McCain sympathize with average “Joe the plumber” whose annual income discovered by The Huffington’s Post is $37, 514. Not to mention, Republican Health Care Plan will not tax employers for providing health care coverages, medical expenses like the cost of a procedure, medication, or insurance claims.

However, do not be alarmed because, “it is remarkable that we’re spending all this time talking about pant suits, “said spokesperson Tracy Schmitt, “It was always the intent that the clothing will go to a charitable purpose after the campaign.”

With Palin’s expenditures gathering so much attention, it leaves the question, “how much does Democrat Vice President candidate Joe Biden spend on suits?” For surely, the media would never associate clothing expenses with Palin because she is a woman.

watch a slide show of Palin’s now famous wardrobe here


Filed under politics, Uncategorized

3 responses to “$150,000 for Palin’s Beauty

  1. Two wars, economy collapsing, borders wide open, $10 trillion in debt, record foreclosures, communist China about to become the most powerful nation in the world, FDA cannot stop poisoned food from entering the country, voting machines rigged, oh yeah, and Sarah Palin’s clothes…

  2. seh61

    To rjjrdq:

    Hey pop culture is pop culture…unfortunately one of it’s biggest stars right now is Palin as I mentioned in this blog’s first entry. Sure by recognizing all of these trivial things about her, we are technically helping to ignore bigger, more important things i.e. the economy. However, the fact is that these ‘trivial’ things such as Palin’s wardrobe spending actually affect voters which in turn, can have an impact on the election as a whole. What a sad world we live in…but it’s the truth and thats kind of the point of this blog.

  3. Anonymous

    To ubkbunch2008:

    Proof that everyone is human:

    In line two of your comment the word ‘sense’ is misspelled.

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