Tag Archives: unflattering

and the suspension keeps building…

Sarah Palin spoke to Fox News today about her appearance on SNl which will be tomorrow night and said “I have no idea what to expect because I haven’t seen any scripts or anything else yet, but it will be fun. The opportunity to show American television watchers anyway that you get to have a sense of humor through all of this or even just this really would be wearin’, tearin’ on you so an opportunity to show that sense of humor and that side of all of this I look forward to it.”

I know we’re looking forward to it too Sarah.

On the same topic, Palin also spoke to the Indianpolis Star today about Tina Fey’s caricature of her on SNL.

Question: You have been widely criticized, including in parodies on “Saturday Night Live,” as ignorant and ill-informed. What do you need to do to overcome that image?

Answer: Well, you know, the media, it’s their prerogative how they want to capture someone and sort of caricaturize that person. And they have a lot of power in their ability to do that. I’ll just keep speaking to the American voter and letting them know about the plans that John McCain and I have to get this economy back on the right track. The plans that we have to put government back on the side of the American people and not allow the greed and the corruption and the self-dealings that have gone on in Washington, D.C., to affect policy and we’ll keep talking about our plans and our commitment to win the war against terrorism. That’s the task that I have at hand.

I can’t fight the person that buys ink by the barrelful, of course, but I think that the American voter is quite intelligent, wise, and discerning. They see through a lot of that characterization. I believe that the American voter knows Sen. McCain and I are quite capable and willing and able to serve them as president and vice president.

While it’s true that Palin isn’t exactly shown in the most positive light on SNl, the Daily Show or the Colbert Report, it doesn’t mean the image of her presented is completely unfounded. After all, the SNL spoof of Palins interview with Katie Couric borrowed lines directly from the real interview, even as exaggerated as they might have been. In this election, all lines continued to be blurred between comedy and reality when Palin is involved.

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